This web site,, contains data from the laboratory of Philipp W. Simon, USDA-ARS Vegetable Crops Research Unit [Click here for our web page]

Genes, enzymes, or proteins of interest to our laboratory

Table of Contents

GGPS - Geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase


This enzymes catalyzes the conversion of phytoene to z-carotene (zeta-carotene)

Sequence information
Map location

Two copies of the GGPS gene have been found:
GGPS1 not been mapped due to severe segregation distortion
GGPS2 has been mapped to linkage group 2 of the B493xQAL map

PSY - Phytoene synthase

Sequence information
Map location

Two copies of the PSY gene have been found:
PSY1 has been mapped to linkage group 3 of the B493xQAL map
PSY2 has been mapped to linkage group 8 of the B493xQAL map

PDS - Phytoene desaturase

Sequence information
Map location

One copy of the PDS gene has been found:
PDS has been mapped to linkage group 2 of the B493xQAL map

ZDS - Zeta-carotene desaturase

Sequence information
Map location

Two copies of the ZDS gene have been found:
ZDS1 has been mapped to linkage group 4 of the B493xQAL map
ZDS2 has been mapped to linkage group 5 of the B493xQAL map

CRTISO - Carotenoid isomerase

Sequence information
Map location

One copy of the CRTISO gene has been found:
CRTISO has been mapped to linkage group 6 of the B493xQAL map

LCYB - Lycopene beta-cyclase

Sequence information
Map location

Two copies of the LCYB gene have been found:
LCYB1 has been mapped to linkage group 3 of the B493xQAL map
LCYB2 (CCS) has been mapped to linkage group 3 of the B493xQAL map

See also CCS

LCYE - Lycopene epsilon-cyclase

Sequence information
Map location

One copy of the LCYE gene has been found:
LCYE has been mapped to linkage group 9 of the B493xQAL map

CHXB - beta-ring carotene hydroxylase

Sequence information
Map location

Three copies of the CHXB gene have been found:
CHXB1 has been mapped to linkage group 3 of the B493xQAL map
CHXB2 has been mapped to linkage group 6 of the B493xQAL map
CHXB3 could not be mapped because no polymorphisms were found

CHXE - epsilon-ring carotene hydroxylase

Sequence information
Map location

One copy of the CHXE gene has been found:
CHXE has been mapped to linkage group 2 of the B493xQAL map

ZEP - Zeaxanthin epoxidase

Sequence information
Map location

One copy of the ZEP gene has been found:
ZEP has been mapped to linkage group 5 of the B493xQAL map

VDE - Violaxanthin de-epoxidase

Sequence information
Map location

One copy of the VDE gene has been found:
VDE has been mapped to linkage group 6 of the B493xQAL map

CCS - Capsorubin-capsanthin synthase

Sequence information
Map location

One copy of the CCS gene has been found:
CCS has been mapped to linkage group 3 of the B493xQAL map

See also LCYB2

NXS - Neoxanthin synthase

Sequence information

NCED - 9-cis epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase

Sequence information
Map location

Three copies of the NCED gene have been found:
NCED1 has been mapped to linkage group 2 of the B493xQAL map
NCED2 has been mapped to linkage group 2 of the B493xQAL map
NCED3 has been mapped to linkage group 6 of the B493xQAL map

CCD - Carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase

Sequence information
Map location

Three copies of the CCD gene have been found:
CCD1 has been mapped to linkage group 3 of the B493xQAL map
CCD2 has been mapped to linkage group 1 of the B493xQAL map
CCD3 has been mapped to linkage group 3 of the B493xQAL map




Anthocyanin Biochemistry

See the pathway in RoBuST




Allium Flavor Biochemistry

Allium Flavor Chemistry Pathways

Flavor Precursors - This pathway is Figure 14.4 as published by Randle and Lancaster in Allium Crop Science: Recent Advances. Chapter 14. Sulphur Compounds in Alliums in Relation to Flavor Quality. CAB International, 2002 "Proposed biosynthesis of ACSOs and their intermediates"

No sequence information is available for any enzymes in this pathway, however, you may search for more recent information.
Click here to perform a search at NCBI for all sequences containing the term Cysteine AND Oxidase limited to the Asparagales
Click here to perform a search at NCBI for all sequences containing the term Glutamyl transpeptidase limited to the Asparagales
(These searches both returned no "No items found" in August 2009)

Fig. 14.4. Proposed biosynthesis of ACSOs and their intermediates

Alliinase - This pathway is Scheme II as published by Block et al. in J. Agric. Food Chem. Vol. 40 No. 12, 1992, pages 2418-2430.

This scheme depicts the different thiosulfinates and related sulfenic-acid derived compounds (7,17,25,30, and 31) found in extracts of nine Allium species. The upper, shadowed rectangles include allyl-group containing products from garlic, elephant garlic, wild garlic, and Chinese chive. The lower rectangles include propyl group-containing products from onion, shallot, leek, chive, and scallion. Thiosulfinates containing both methyl and l-propenyl groups are found in all Allium species examined and therefore are represented as lying within the confines of both sets of rectangles. This scheme also indicates the two types of precursors to the thiosulfinates, S-alk(en)yl cysteine S-oxides and sulfenic acids.

This is a clickable pathway, click on the enzyme or on the chemical to view more information

Lachrymatory Factor Synthase - This pathway was published by Imai et al. in Nature 419: 685. 2002. An onion enzyme that makes the eyes water

This is a clickable pathway, click on the enzyme or on the chemical to view more information

Key to chemical compounds shown in the pathways above



Catalyses the release of the S-alk(en)yl sulfoxide group from a S-alk(en)yl cysteine sulfoxide (ACSO)


Protein Data Bank structures

Representative sequence information

Lachrymatory factor synthase

Representative sequence information

This page last modified Tuesday, 14-Dec-2010 12:32:56 CST