This web site,, contains data from the laboratory of Philipp W. Simon, USDA-ARS Vegetable Crops Research Unit [Click here for our web page]

Mj-2 Linkage Map

Publication reference:

This carrot linkage map was published in:
Inheritance and mapping of Mj-2, a new source of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne javanica) resistance in carrot
Aamir Ali, W.C. Matthews, Pablo F. Cavagnaro, Massimo Iorizzo, Philip A. Roberts, and Philipp W. Simon
Journal of Heredity Volume 105, Issue 2 Pp. 288-291


Root-knot nematodes limit carrot production around the world by inducing taproot forking and galling deformities that render carrots unmarketable. In warmer climates, Meloidogyne javanica and M. incognita are most prevalent. In F2 and F3 progeny from the cross between an Asian carrot resistant to M. javanica, PI 652188, and a susceptible carrot, resistance response was incompletely dominant with a relatively high heritability (H2 = 0.78) and evidence for a single gene, designated Mj-2, contributing to resistance. Molecular markers linked to the previously described root-knot nematode resistance gene, Mj-1 on chromosome 8 derived from 'Brasilia', demonstrated that Mj-2 does not map to that same locus, but is on the same chromosome.

Linkage group of the carrot genetic map

Chromosome 8

Primers for scar21A are
Fwd: tccataccggcttacagtcc
Rev: ttggtctagcatgctccaag